Thursday, May 23, 2013

~ think about myself first ~

walau un itu yg aq pkir
still aq akan pkir psal perasaan org laen dulu
ape un member buat sumernyer aq trime even boleyh mnyusahkn aq
tp 2 lah,, yg aq pkir ""member" kene la tlong kn
adoyaiii,, smpai member baik aq ckp..
"ain, aok x leyh ker jadi jahat ckit, ni kang trime je bnde org buat
aok nie ade feeling ke dok?? "
aiiyyaakkk,, ade la mek oii cumer let it be..
that's my way
aq x suke tnjuk biler aq sedeh
aq x suke mengamuk or moody bler aq marah
n aq x suke nk besarkn something yg halah kecik je pun
org sekelilng aq slalu nmpak happy side aq
tp diorg x tau hati aq cpat tersentuh
even kene tengking skit, air mate aq meleleh,
tp selagi boleyh aq x bg org laen tngok air mate aq
x tau knpe, susa utk aq mara kat org
walau pun terang terangan salah org tuh
even member yg aq ingat kn boleyh diajadikn "member" lupekn aq pun
aq still ingat die dlm sumer hal
aq kene tggal, oke aq nangis tp esok aq still tggu diorg
diorg stdy lngsung x ajak aq.. tau2 da wat stdy gr0up
kitorg kwan dr sem 1 kowt
then, still aq harapkn diorg utk ajak aq laen kali
but that's a big h0pe 4 me
dirog ingat aq?? dalam mimpi la cik kak oii...
umm,, nothing can do ryte, i'm a loser
they're the winner..
msti korg pkir aq bodoh kn sbb sng dipermainkan..
yeahh,, that's life.. x sumer mnyebelahi kter
yg pasti aq adalah s0me0ne yg mmg x leyh idup klau xde member...
x kisa la aq nieh senget ke bodoh ker.
aq still aq, the one that full with happiness (yeker?? umm)  :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

~ my new experience ~

yeah, i l0ve my new experience i get fr0m this prgram

like 1 family, highly spirit t0 win
n that give me a very g0od impact
i'm 0ne 0f the team enactus UiTM terengganu members
or the 0ld name is SIFE
n i'm pr0ud to be there with all the members fr0m all UiTM branches
since i'm a new, i'm juz see h0w the progress worked
but it feel like i'm started have an interest to be a presenter
but, i have a very l0w confident lavel n 
high of nerv0us.
and 0f c0urse it will be a huge wall 4 me to be g0od presenter
but it's okey, to see our team get the 3rd place is g0od en0ugh 4 me
i h0pe, enactus UiTM terengganu will m0re succes than b4
n this is me, ierah.. tata :)