Monday, August 29, 2011

...es0k raye... ye es0k raye...!!!
...fuhh,,,tp,arie pnat tadi gi tolong ayah jual dodol...
...balek umah kene wat kueh...
...bseb baek kueh aq sedap...kui3...nk tau x kueh ape??hehehe...
...first aq wat biskut oat,,,2nd, aq wat cornflakes...
...3rd,, aq wat coklat nepolo...4th,,aq wat coklat chip...
...bnyak an?? huhuhu...
berbaloi la ngan penat aq...pose nie aq ase mmg best... ayer aq x tau la best ke x...hahaha...
yg penting arie nie arie last pose...n ayh nk blnjew kitorg sekeluarge mkn steamboat..
...fuhh,,,x saba ase...hehehe...
...pape un,,,camat arie raye b0o-wat kwan2 ku...
...coe bebnyak klau aq ade wat salah sbb aq x de la perfect an...:)
...n aq brsyukur sbb korunk nk jadi kwan aq...
...cayunk korunk...muuaahhxxx...!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

...perlu ke aq nangis...

...arie nie aq nangis weyh...bkan ckit2 siap trsedu2 segale...
...hadoy,,,abis bengkak mate...
...bukan ape,,,aq terase gler dgn abg aq sndiri...
kitorg gado ckit tasi...pas2 die ckp aq saka gemok...
...korunk ase ptot ker???
...cdey gler weyh org yg kter knal ckp kter cam 2...
aq ase aq nk jerit jewp tadi... un ade pkir npe aq dpt  abg cam tuh... x de mkne n manfaat lngsung...
...wat aq skit atie jewp ade...
...isy,,,kus0oodd tol larh...nieh ade lg sisa2 cdey tadi...
...susa weyh nk lupe...
...lntak die la,,,aq gemok ke ape ke...
...bkan mnyusahkn die un...an3??
...asal kn aq bhgie ngan id0op aq...pkir psal die lame2 aq gile plak...

...lagu beast...

...nieh lagu feberet aquh...
...first song of beast dat i fall in love...

Friday, August 26, 2011 sekolah menengah dulu...

...urmm,,,best nyer dpat gi skolah lame ari nie...trubat rndu kat skulah...
...lg 1 dpt jmpe cikgu2 aq,,,ase best gler... yg x best nyer,,,sume ckgu ckp aq makin SIHAT...
...faham an mksod tuh...???
...had0y,,,kene diet nk kurus smule weyh..!!!
bebudak pom 5 thn nie un ckp aq da berisi...
kus0odd larh... kene nekad tok diet b0leh...!!!hehehe..
...aja aja fighting...!!..:)

Monday, August 22, 2011 jeles...

...huh,,,mlm tadi aq lepak ngan mila,ashroff,ucop n pia... suke tngok diorg sbb sweet...,,,ade gak la ase jeles tngok diorg...sbb aq x de psangan weyh...
hadoy...klau pkir balek,,,x pnting un sebenanyer ade some1 nieh...,,,ntah la...trdetik ase jeles uh mlm tadi...
....tngok diorg gelak,,,diorg gurau2...hisy,,,aq saba je la dok kat cfe mlm uh...
...xpe2 strong...!!!
....tanpa laki un aq bleyh id0op la...:)
...btol ak???
kadang uh laki nie wat kus0odd kpale jewp...,,,best tngok org yg ade org laen sokong...msti sejuk atie bile ade org pujuk...
...ade org cayunk,,,ade org bg smngat...
...hadoy...mmg aq tngah kus0oodd...
...pape un,,,aq kene kuat nk jln kn amanah mak kat cnie....insyaallah...:)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

...kenangan brbuke ngan bebudax klas AC120 1A...

...fuhhh,,,best gler ase smlm...bebudak klas aq mmg sporting gler...
...ase cam nk bnti kn mase utk smlm jewp...huhuhu...
kitorg brbuke puase di tepi pntai smalam...mmg terbaek larh...
...siap mkn ikan bakar lg...sdap plak tuh...
...tambah plak environment die yg segar gler...
...mmg gempak la skali ngan angin yg sepoi2 x faham bahase...kui3.. kitorg smlm adalah....jeng3....
...kitorg tmpah 4 set utk 20 org mkn...
...ade tom yam,,sayur kangkung,,telur msak merah,,sayur campur...
...n yg pling pnting skali,,msti la ikan bkar...
...sdap gler,,,murah plak tuh...huhuhuhu...
...sape yg ase nk mkn sdap n murah bleh la gi c2...scenery die mmg cantek gler...
...bebudak uitm dungun yg nk gi...korunk straigh ikowt tepi pntai,,,
sampai la ujung skali...n jmpe tmpat mkn yg cantek...
...gerai uh name IKAN BAKAR...try la mkn kat c2...
korunk x kan mnyesal pnyer...hehehe... yg pnting aq mmg sronok gler smlam...thanks kpde akq,yuni,syed,
...korunk sume mmg da best larh...cayunk korunk...
...muuuaahhhxxx....ugy larh sape yg x gi...kui3...:)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

...mo0d : nk alek umah...

...huh,,,akhirnyer dpt gak blek umah...
...wlaupown skejap,,,xpe2...asal an dpt jmpe mak n ayh...
...n dpt jmpe my old frens gak...
...rndu gler kat korunk sume,,,nisa,ckin,tqah,linda,ieka,jannah,nini, n sume larh...
...isy,,,x saba plak ase...temerloh..!! tggu koi,,,esok koi smpai yak...hehehe.. ye balek umah...!!!

...jual tudung jual tudung...!!

...beli la tdung nieh,,,mcm2 wane ade...sehelai rm32...beli 2 dpt rm60...
...yg 3 segi uh rm 27...beli 2 dpt rm50...
...tudung fesyen terkini...tempahan boleh dibuat...
...sila dail 017-9107250...

...berbuke kat mcD...

...urm,,,bez2...arie nie i brbuke kat mcD...huhuhu...knyang suda...
...jln2 ngan ro0mate jewp...asyik2 muke die...
...sblom tido pndang muke die,,,bngon tido nmpak muke die... jln2 un ngan die...kus0od2...jgn mrah eyk mila...kui3...
...sape la nk tman i time die lpak ngan bf die...hadoy...alone la nmpak nyer...
...when can i happy like her...huh,,,so tired to be like this...
...however,,,i happy arie nie c0z dpt tlong angah n dpt mkn mcD...huhuhu...
...n then, esok i nk berangkat pulang ke kg halaman...hehehe...
...insyaallah,,,slmat smpai n slmat pulang ke dungun smule...
...huh,,,x saba nk jmpe my mom n my dad... homesick doo...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

...having a very g0od day last nite...

...huh,,,arie nie bezz can i describe coz bebudax AC120 1A mmg da best...
...terbaek larh korunk...dats why i luv sume bebudak DAIS group A nieh...
...although i x dpt balek arie nie,,,korunk still cheers me with dats moment..
...n yg pling best,,,bufday gurlz kene simbah ngan tepung...
...fuhh,,,jln2 raye full dgn tepung...kui3...
...n bebudax laen u same jewp...bkan stkat tepung...telur skali...huhuhu...
...korunk mmg da best larh...laen kali klau nk wat suprise lg, invite me skali tau..
...last skali,,,cayunk korunk cgt2...!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011 feeling is sooo in bad trouble...

don't what to say...arie2 jmpe tp x brtego...n aq x tau nk wat ape..
am i wrong?? idon't get it...i've soooo big trouble in my feeling right now...
oh god...!! please help da x tau nk wat muke camne klau jmpe DIE...
n aq x tau sama ade aq wat big wrong or not...
if i do that,,,sorry dear...ohh,,,bad thing,,,dont come to me...

about mine right now...

in my eyes,,,people can't seem to see anything...
its becoz my eyes are covered up by tears...
i was constantly hurt n depressed...
but no one seem to understand what i feel...
i long to be able to reach out n tell some1 everything n all my problems....
n another but,,,i have no one to tell or they juz don't seem to hear that...
i've started to hide n bottle up all of my problems n feelings...
hoping that maybe they juz will go away...
i want a company but at the same time,,i've scared of it...
my sanctuary is my room where i can juz be alone...
n try to throw away all of my anching pains...
i'm dark n mysterious n maybe people dont like it...
but n more but,,, even if i think i'm really by myself in the dark...
there is some1 that still and always by my sides...n it's ALLAH...
get out more ierah n enjoy life becoz it is far too long to frown your way through...